Friday, January 6, 2012

The Plant Cell (How does it work?)

Plant cells are eukaryotic, and yet they differ slightly from animal cells. The plant cell has a more rigid cell wall than that of animals. It has many similar organelles to animal cells, organelles are micro organs is a cell that carry out its functions. However, the main difference in plant cells is the chloroplast, while normally animal cells have a mitochondria used for respiration and the creation of energy. The chloroplast is an organelle that contains many stacks called granules that store from sunlight (chlorophyll II), a compound that is used in photosynthesis to create energy.

1. How to plant and animal cells differ?
2. What are organelles?
3. What type of cells are plants?

•Carpi, A. (1998). The cell. Retrieved from


  1. 1/ They have a chloroplast
    2/ Organelles are the organs of the cell
    3/ Eukaryote

  2. Actually traw 18 it is not the chloroplast, I believe that the difference is that the animal cell has a harder more defiant cell wall.

  3. 1. its actually both, the choloroplast and thick cell wall which provides plant structure
    2. Organelles are like mini organs to carry out cellular activity
    3. Eukaryotic

  4. 1. Plant cells have fixed shape, which is rectangular, while animal cells have irregular shape which is round. Because plant cells make their own food, they have chloroplasts. On the other hand, animal cells do not.
    2. Organelles are the micro cells in which have specific activities to work on.
    3. Eukaryotic

  5. very interesting . all cells have filters before they reach the nucleuos.
