Friday, January 6, 2012

How Do Plants Make Energy?

Every living organism on the planet is in the need of energy to survive. Plants do so by a process called Photosynthesis, which is the process of creating food (usually sugars) using the energy of sunlight. This makes plants very unique in the sense that they can synthesis their own food using only the sun, thus the term Photo-synthesis. The basic elements involved in this chemical reaction are an intake of Carbon Dioxide + Water, and a resultant of Sugar and Oxygen. Plants are the producers in an ecosystem, while all animals are consumers.

1. What is the process of Photosynthesis?
2. What are the elements involved in photosynthesis?
3. What is the most important trait of plants that makes them essential to an ecosystem?

• Carter, J. (2004, november 02). Photosynthesis. Retrieved from


  1. 1/ when plants use solar energy & co2 to make o2
    2/ sugar, oxygen, co2 and water
    3/ They provide food for the animals!

  2. 1. synthesis of sugar and oxygen using water, co2 and the sunlight.
    2. o2, co2, h2o and sugar
    3. They provide us with food and oxygen.

  3. The energy harvested via the light reaction is stored by forming a chemical called ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a compound used by cells for energy storage.

  4. 1. Plants take in water and CO2, and release sugar and oxygen by sunlight.
    2. H2O, CO2, O2, and sugar.
    3. Plants provide oxygen and food.
